Thursday, January 7, 2010

It's 2010 and This Plant Needs a Drink!

So it's 2010! Woo, Post Aughties!

However, with the end of the Holiday season brings some sadness - no more parties, all the decorations are taken down, trees are stripped of their lights and left for dead at the edge of the street, and poinsettias are thrown into the compost. For anyone living on the eastern seaboard (or nearly anywhere in the United States for that matter) lately it's been freezing cold for nearly the last week. January seems to rip the fun out of everyone's lives, and it can become quite the bland and bare month - all of the plants we used to decorate with for the Holidays are now gone.

Cheer up! There are some fun indoor projects one can partake in one wintery weekend to bring some life, color, and fragrance into your home with plants.

Grab the gin, this plant needs a drink!
Bulbs can be "forced" to grow before spring indoors with a little TLC and alcohol - yes, alcohol. As they grow, paperwhites have the tendency to lose their luster in the blossoms and become top-heavy. A study done at Cornell University found that by watering with small amounts of gin (in addition to water), paperwhites can stay crisp white and nicely kept. So when you're out getting some pebbles or potting soil to plant your paperwhites, be sure to stop by the Wine & Sprits store for your plants. While you're at it, be sure to reward yourself with a Gin & Ginger for a job well done!

It's (not quite) Shake n' Bake, and I helped!
From the smallest apartment to beauteous mansions, herb gardens are the perfect addition to every kitchen, whatever the size. Herbs are fairly easy to grow, so they are great for gardeners with any skill level. Seed can be found at any home improvement center, along with your potting soil and pots. Target has some all-in-one kits with some pretty chic containers to keep your herbs looking hot.

Winter is a popular time for garden centers to host educational seminars or hands-on learning sessions to get gardeners excited about spring. Dickman Farms in Auburn, NY is known for hosting session on creating your own evergreen wreaths from old Christmas trees. This month terrain at Styers in Glen Mills, PA is hosting sessions on creating your own terrarium. Visit your farvorite local garden center to see what events are being held to entertain us this winter. While you're at it, pick up those paperwhites - your house will be happier with the lovely fragrance, and you'll be happy with your plant project and martini!

Plant on and rock on,

Song for the Garden: Foux Du Fa Fa - Flight of the Conchords